Wise in 5 is the only regular snapshot comparative guide to public policy issues across the nations of the UK and Ireland.
Each Wise in 5 guides you, in an easy-to-read format, through the different approaches taken by the governments of these islands in tackling issues faced by all communities and nations.
We set out what the issue is, what the approach is in each nation and links to relevant research by The Open University and our partner universities. We have already covered a broad range of issues from tourist taxes to teenage vaping to higher and tertiary education regulation.
Why does it matter what is happening in other nations?
At PolicyWISE we want to increase public awareness of the differing governmental approaches adopted across the United Kingdom and Ireland in addressing specific issues within each administration and nation.
Knowing what is happening is important for several reasons. By sharing knowledge about the impact of policies on individuals and communities we are supporting people in power to make better and more informed decisions. What works in one nation may not be completely relevant in others but there will always be transferable lessons.
There are also practical reasons: sometimes it’s not always clear in the media or even in government announcements about where and when a particular policy change or law might apply. We aim to bring clarity, and identify similarities and differences between the nations, and what current research is telling us about that issue.
How do you choose topics?
We take a cross-nation perspective in identifying topics, concerns, and challenges. We might anticipate a new committee inquiry in the Scottish Parliament for example and examine what is happening elsewhere in the UK and Ireland on that issue. Other times, we will respond to a new UK Government policy announcement for England and share knowledge and evidence about that issue in the other nations.
When choosing a topic, we want to understand current or proposed policies which seek to address the issue, and if there is evidence about how effective the changes have been. Where we can we find international comparisons recognising that policy issues are often complex and multifaceted.
Why take this approach?
Core to the work of PolicyWISE is the building of an in depth and detailed evidence-base about public policy in UK and Ireland. However, we recognise that people are busy and our Wise in 5s allow us to present information in a way that is easily digestible, and which sets out a clear analysis of the different approaches taken by the different administrations.
This approach allows us to cover a broad range of topics, shining a light on the issues that matter and the approach of the different governments.
What role does research play in the wise in 5?
Research is really important to PolicyWISE in ensuring that policy analysis and development is evidence informed. We work with governments and parliaments, and the wider policy community, to support knowledge exchange that informed by cross-nation comparative research. Wise in 5s are an important part of this, and as we develop we hope to have more Wise in 5s which are designed and delivered by the research community.